Friends of Madrona Marsh

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A successful partnership of life, community, and the city of Torrance.

News Article

Junior Naturalist 2021 Summer Program

junior naturalist summer program for 4-6th graders


Day 1: Exploring the Nature Center, Gardens and Preserve; a basic docent tour with emphasis on 4th-5th ES/LS grade level standards. Introduction to journaling and mindful moments. Learning what it means to be a naturalist. Discussion of independent project: use any media to promote nature; storytelling, puppet show, story, music/song, video, power point, poem, art. Projects are due Friday. Last hour of class Monday-Thursday will be devoted to independent projects.
Day 2: Plants and Insects with Cindy Reid
Day 3: Birds with Bob Shanman
Day 4: Mammals of the Preserve
Day 5: Buddies with Friday Fun to practice being a Junior Naturalist. Project presentations. Awarding of certificates.

Children entering 4-6th grade are encouraged to join our Junior Naturalist summer program! This in-person camp will engage participants with daily explorations on the Preserve, nature journaling and observation, and a creative project of their choice. California Earth and Life Science Standards for 4th and 5th grades will be emphasized.


July 19 – 23 & August 2 – 6
Monday – Friday, 9:00am – 3:00pm


$150 per week

Full payment must be received at the time of registration. Cash or check only. Please make checks payable to Friends of Madrona Marsh.

Cancellation Policy: Full refund will be given if cancellation is requested TWO WEEKS PRIOR to the first day of class. No refunds thereafter or for termination.


For children entering 4th – 6th grade (approximately ages 9 – 12 years).
Maximum of 15 students per week


Parents may register in person on Fridays and Saturdays ONLY inside of the Nature Center during operational hours. NO PHONE CALLS.
• Fridays 10am – 3pm
• Saturdays 10am – 4pm


Classes will be held inside the Nature Center (classroom + exhibit hall), Preserve and Native Garden, located at 3201 Plaza Del Amo Torrance, CA 90503.


Student supplies: Back pack, sunscreen, closed toed shoes, reusable water container, hat with a brim, sandwich or something similar, colored pencils/marker pens and an interest in learning about the natural world. The Nature Center staff and/or volunteers are not responsible for supplies/equipment a student brings. We recommend phones and electronic equipment be left at home.


Parents may drop off students no earlier than 8:45am and must pick up students no later than 3:00pm. Parents must drop off and pick up students INSIDE THE NATURE CENTER.


Terminations may result from students’ poor and/or dangerous behavior, parents’ failure to pick up student on time or as the instructor deems necessary. Students and parents will receive 2 warnings prior to termination. Decision is final. There is no refund for terminations.

© 2014- Friends of Madrona Marsh. All rights reserved.
3201 Plaza del Amo, Torrance, CA 90503 | Tel: 310-782-3989
Website by UmeWorks